Lumina harvest moon ds harvest moon sunshine islands
Lumina harvest moon ds harvest moon sunshine islands

lumina harvest moon ds harvest moon sunshine islands

I really only wanted to marry her in AWL, but when I realized I couldn't (bc she wasn't eligible and not old enough in that game), I gave up those dreams.

lumina harvest moon ds harvest moon sunshine islands

Yeah, Lumina was rich and all and could have used Romana's fortune to have a sweet life outside of Forget-Me-Not-Valley, but she is forced to grow up there and live with no one around her age (except Rock). She was a young, shy girl orphaned at a young age with only her elderly grandmother and her even older butler as family.

lumina harvest moon ds harvest moon sunshine islands

I thought she was so talented since she was such a good artist and piano player (Anyone who didn't like her song is a liar) and I really felt for her situation. When I was younger, she was the most adorable female characters after Nami, Celia and Muffy (whom all I would prefer to marry in shown order). I will admit it with no shame - I frickin' loved Lumina from AWL SE.

Lumina harvest moon ds harvest moon sunshine islands